Remember Bounty Bob? Most likely not. But you might, if you played video games in the early to mid-80s, because Miner 2049er was ported from the Atari 8-bit family to nearly any console available, eventually ending the run with an impressive Game Boy port with large, detailed sprites. On the other side of the port spectrum, we have the Atari 2600 version, which can at least claim to be colorful.

Bounty Bob is trapped in a network of mines full of radioactive critters and other miners' personal items, such as mugs and lunchboxes. Miner 2049er has some great elements: well-defined sprites, multiple screens, interactive slides and elevators, and an opening song that sounds like someone ripped some notes off the Frogger tune. Overall, this is an impressive title, from a technical view. It looks good.
However, Miner 2049er is one of those unforgiving early underground platformers, the kind where you die if you fall more than a foot. Worse, each time you lose a life, you have to retrace your steps, literally. Bounty Bob must walk over every inch of every platform to "claim" it and clear the screen, and should you miss a single jump, you'll have to reclaim it all, over and over. If it weren't for this reset, I might love this game.

Each screen offers its own unique mechanics. Unfortunately, I don't have the patience to make it to the cannon screen, which shoots you to your desired platform, I hear. This seems like a pretty complex action for an Atari game. Right on!
I made it to the second screen, the one with the elevators, and with more time, I think I could really enjoy this game. This game is impressive in scale and I'd like to experience all of it. But I find the "retrace your steps" aspect so frustrating, I doubt I will.
You don't play Miner 2049er. You master it. That's the only way to get every step and jump correct, and I'm sure there are players who love this.

If you like unique and challenging platform arcade games, you may enjoy Miner 2049er. Otherwise, I recommend Miner 2049er to Atari nerds and collectors only.
Game of life . . .
I've been so fatigued for so many months that I'm going to call the doctor. I've tried vitamin supplements, positive thinking, practicing gratitude, light exercise, heavy exercise, yoga, healthy diet, a regular sleep schedule and so on. I even quit lithium, which a couple of years ago I claimed was a wonder drug for my mental health. It worked, at the time. But I want to free myself from the brain fog, memory loss, and constant fatigue that has weighed me down, daily, and I blame lithium for that. Also, I've been off lithium for a month, and my depression has neither increased nor decreased, but stayed the same steady level of sad it's been for twenty-five years. Plus, no mania. Disappointing.
I have to assume my fatigue is linked to this sorrow and sense of meaninglessness. And this isn't just a general tiredness. At its peak, I may sleep 12 hours, only to drink coffee and eat breakfast and . . . feel utterly exhausted. I go back to bed and sleep another hour or two, even with the coffee. I yearn for naps and take multiple a day, when I can. Heavy exercise like running will wake me up and I'll feel great--until I get home, take a shower, and crash into another wave of total exhaustion.
My energy comes in spurts. If I really want to "get things done," which includes working on this blog, I have to use energy drinks or fladrafinil (legal provigil, i.e. legal speed). I'm aware that my over-consumption of caffeine actually contributes to fatigue.
I think my own thoughts drain me. I think my brain drains me. I think being a "highly sensitive person" drains me, as simple interactions can feel overwhelming. My mind, always churning over what's wrong and what I need to do to solve it, is no doubt draining itself.
I feel alert and rested today, for the first time in months. My secret? I slept 13 hours and then napped for another hour. I can't do that everyday. Most days, I go to work at Amazon, which is exhausting in its own way. In terms of time, I'm in the building for nearly 11 hours, often without even a window to connect to the world outside. Standing and moving and lifting in one spot for 10 hours would exhaust anyone. Then there's the general lack of connection to my coworkers; if I took the time to make a friend, I know this would help a lot, but naturally I have "social issues" and find avoiding people easier and far less scary than talking to them. I developed this coping skill in middle school. Also, Amazon is incredibly loud, with constant grinding and churning and slamming and crashing, all of which weighs on me and grinds me down. I'm sensitive to my environment. And the job itself feels meaningless, which is the most frustrating and draining thing of all.
I don't think I have chronic fatigue syndrome, because if I did, I probably wouldn't be able to work at all. Still, I have the same symptoms such as memory issues, malaise, exhaustion and so on. I don't have a sore throat or swollen lymph glands. Perhaps it's just depression.
Time to call the doctor.
Music: We Float - PJ Harvey